
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Looking to the Sky To Save Me: The Story of an Open Road

Morning Stroll

I was on a morning stroll with my son when I was suddenly overwhelmed with gratitude for having been blessed with the opportunity to have traveled as much as I have.  I have been noticing this for years, but wanted to take the time to write about it briefly here today. 

As we walk, there are certain areas within my city that take me back to places I have been throughout my life.  As most of you have noticed, I am certainly a nostalgic creature at heart.  I love recalling memories that I have made.  Id like to think that it keeps my mind in peak physical shape.  Let me explain. 

Sierra Nevada Mountains - California

I might be walking through an area of Denver and will see certain things that take me right back to Athens, GA.  On my stroll this morning, I was reminded of a brief walk I took through Lexington, KY.  Weve had some lightning storms through the last couple weeks that reminded me of being cooped up in a hotel in Glasgow (Scotland).  And a few colder days with snow that reminded me of being bundled up in Saskatchewan (Canada).

Warmer days in the city remind me of Adelaide (Australia), and if I drive toward the Rockies, it feels as though I am driving toward the Pacific.

I just wanted to encourage everyone to travel if you have the ability to do so.  Even if you just jump in your car for a road trip to your neighbor state.  Do it sporadically.  Throw some great CDs in the car, budget out some money for local food, and take some pictures at the known landmarks. 
Middle of Nowhere - Australia

Finally, encourage your children to travel!  Get them out of the state.  Encourage them to go on long distance trips.  There is so much more to this world then the neighborhood and city where you live.  So much more to see than what we are accustomed to in our own little personalized bubble.  And far more rewarding experiences to live out in person rather than reading about it on Facebook or in a silly blog. 
Dover Peaks

Youll never regret the times you left it all behind for a quick affair with the open road.



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