
Friday, September 5, 2014

My Treehouse in the Shire: A Momentary Escape from Reality

I think my mind wanders more during the busy season.  For me, this usually means that I am in school, working a full time job, and being a full time parent + husband.  I suppose my mind would rather daydream than figure out statistics.  Thats all of us though, right?

Lately, I have been thinking about how much time I spend doing things other than spending time with my family.  I think about how much time I spend stuck on the freeway in traffic or how much time I spend at work.  I think about how much time I spend studying for school, or stressing about my assignments.  I think about the money my wife and I must make to keep everything moving forward while staying out of the red.

When I think about all of the time I spend in the pursuit of superficial things, I have to admit its a little depressing.  If all of these responsibilities just disappeared, how much more time would I be able to spend with my kids and my wife?  How much more time would I be able to nurture great relationships with all of them?

Bear with me.  This is MY world for a brief moment in time.  

My daydreams show me (us) living in a Swiss Family Robinsonesque treehouse in some desolate forest, away from the rest of the world.  Or maybe one of the little Hobbit holes from the Shire.  Wed live off the land.  Harvest our own crops, bring home fresh game for the stove.  No cell phones, no bills.  No cars, no gas.  No crime, no locks.    No boys who would court my daughters...

I hate the idea of turning my children loose in this world.  There!  I said it! 

I am already heartbroken for them.  I dont want them to experience pain, defeat, loss, suffering, ridicule, and all the rest of the bad we are so good at providing others.

And then I come to.  I wake up.  I snap back to reality.

Ive never been one for pity-parties.  Im certainly a lot tougher than that.  We buckle in for the ride.  We rub a little dirt on it.  Put duct tape over the wound.  Crack our fingers and were right back at it.  Because thats what we do.

Ive got all the answers.  Thats what I tell myself.  Funny thing is, I am terrible at implementing my own advice into my life.

I am sure most of you can relate.

I love thinking about these things.  These places.  My little make-believe realities.  They are like mini-vacations throughout the day.  I find comfort there.  My family is safe. 

Here is my reality.  My log house in the woods exists.  And Ill be there with my family, eventually.  We all get there one way or the other.  Where you at?

Thanks for listening to a little randomness. 


“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.  Revelation 21 v. 4

“But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.. 1 Corinthians 2 v. 9


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