The election is over
right? Is it safe to come out?
The political ads aren’t polluting my TV screen anymore so I guess we’re safe. Wait, nope! The
Armageddon predictions are coming out of the woodwork now. The doomsday preppers have emerged from
the ground long enough to condemn all who are not making preparations for the
end of the world now that President Barack Obama has been reelected. He is, after all, the anti-Christ
You have every right to
live your life the way you see fit.
If that means teaching your eight year old how to dry tomato seeds for
future use as “currency,” then so be it.
If you feel it absolutely necessary to bury a metal cabin fifty feet
under your back yard, fitted with fully automatic weapons and a flame-thrower
door alarm system, then you have that right as an American citizen. When you tell me that I, and others are
un-Christian for not doing the same thing, then you’re going to get this
frustrated response from me.
Lets take a quick glance
through history.
When President Franklin
Roosevelt initiated relations with the former Soviet Union, he was thought to
be under direct control of the anti-Christ. Roosevelt was also responsible for the labeling of the
“United Nations,” hence, a one-world government. FAIL
All eyes turned to
President John F. Kennedy. He was
a Catholic, so Protestant leaders were quick to label him the anti-Christ for
that reason alone. 666 votes
during the 1956 Democratic convention didn’t help his case much. And finally, everyone really started to
lose it when President Kennedy was killed by a gunshot wound to the head. The fringe Christians were expecting
Kennedy’s imminent resurrection.
Did it happen? FAIL
Ronald Reagan’s shooter
was under the impression that Reagan was the anti-Christ and had to
die. FAIL
Bill Clinton earned a
place among the anti-Christ predictions due to his smooth tongue and deceit
while in office. FAIL
George W. Bush? Yes, even George W. Bush made the
cut. Why? Because someone came up with a
mathematical equation (equalling 666) for George W. Bush’s name based off the Hebrew alphabet
(which ended up being a mathematical error). And we also had 9/11 which really didn’t help his cause
among the Protestant predictors.
Did the prediction come to fruition? FAIL
These are just a couple
U.S. presidents. How about regular
ole’ predictions from your average guy?
How many times did Harold Camping set a date for the end of the
world? Four times right? Those days came and passed. FAIL
Now, Barack Obama, the
evil “Muslim” president who “hates Israel” and wants to “take our guns” has
been elected to a second term. Only
the Armageddonists have the true
answer as to why Black Hawk helicopters are buzzing around major cities in the
U.S.A. They are practicing
maneuvers to take over our own country!
Really? I mean really?
Look, I have no doubt that
every prophecy revealed in the book of Revelation is true. I believe the entire Bible to be
nothing but the purest truth ever printed. I know Christ’s return is imminent. This does not give me an excuse to live
in fear, nor would I ever freak my family out with paranoia of this sort
(anti-Christ predictions). Are our
efforts not better spent amongst those who are still lost? How are we to accomplish this if we are
hiding in the bushes guarding our property with a tank?
Essentially, the
dedication to propaganda of this magnitude is idolatrous and completely
contrary to what Christ tells us in the Gospel.
Christ will return! He told us that He would! And we eagerly wait for that day! He also told us that we have no idea when it will happen! A bunch of people must have missed that
part in scripture (Matthew 24:36).
Please understand where
this frustration comes from. I
think that the use of prophecy and Armageddon to scare someone into
Christianity (or your way of thinking) is deplorable. When you, as a Christian, scare someone into the
church you are practicing spiritual terrorism.
Check it out. Barack Obama just barely squeezed out a
win during this last election which means that your prediction is well on its
way to failing. Just like every
other anti-Christ prediction throughout history. When four years come and go, please, bow out of your fear
and use another failed prediction as a lesson in humility.
God is in charge. Prepare your family to live the life
that Christ meant for them to live.
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