
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Antidote.

Rhetoric resonates within our society and turns many sheepish heads in directions they may have never turned if it hadn't been for disaster. You might be used to rhetoric, babe, but I am presenting something that you are not accustomed to. I have already used empty words and they were cast into a vault in Las Vegas. There they lay. They corrode the steel that enslaves them. They pollute those who come within breathing distance. They pollute me no more.

Normalcy teases me like you do. Quit playing to the wishes and desires of others and fashion your life around the things that provoke the life within YOU. The world grows evil around us, and I fear our time is short. Better to have loved then to have never taken the chance. Maybe my years of experience and failure have engrained a yearning for monotony with a splash of your adventure. Will you choose to season me further? Or will you leave me bland based on your desire to please everyone but yourself?

Love waits for you behind a door that you refuse to open. Granted, a snake laid in wait behind the rusty black door you opened last. You were bitten and laid paralyzed in a cloud of confusion and uncertainty.

Awake! The antidote has been placed at your feet and you stare at it devoid of belief. Full relief will not take affect by sipping a drop at a time. Consume the antidote in full and welcome yourself to a new world as cured! Like everything else, the antidote has an expiration date. It will sour with time and eventually will turn to a poison far deadlier then that which already circulates through your veins.

A new door has been placed in your path. Open it…Your cure will stand as complete…


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