
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Looking to the Sky To Save Me: The Story of an Open Road

Morning Stroll

I was on a morning stroll with my son when I was suddenly overwhelmed with gratitude for having been blessed with the opportunity to have traveled as much as I have.  I have been noticing this for years, but wanted to take the time to write about it briefly here today. 

As we walk, there are certain areas within my city that take me back to places I have been throughout my life.  As most of you have noticed, I am certainly a nostalgic creature at heart.  I love recalling memories that I have made.  Id like to think that it keeps my mind in peak physical shape.  Let me explain. 

Sierra Nevada Mountains - California

I might be walking through an area of Denver and will see certain things that take me right back to Athens, GA.  On my stroll this morning, I was reminded of a brief walk I took through Lexington, KY.  Weve had some lightning storms through the last couple weeks that reminded me of being cooped up in a hotel in Glasgow (Scotland).  And a few colder days with snow that reminded me of being bundled up in Saskatchewan (Canada).

Warmer days in the city remind me of Adelaide (Australia), and if I drive toward the Rockies, it feels as though I am driving toward the Pacific.

I just wanted to encourage everyone to travel if you have the ability to do so.  Even if you just jump in your car for a road trip to your neighbor state.  Do it sporadically.  Throw some great CDs in the car, budget out some money for local food, and take some pictures at the known landmarks. 
Middle of Nowhere - Australia

Finally, encourage your children to travel!  Get them out of the state.  Encourage them to go on long distance trips.  There is so much more to this world then the neighborhood and city where you live.  So much more to see than what we are accustomed to in our own little personalized bubble.  And far more rewarding experiences to live out in person rather than reading about it on Facebook or in a silly blog. 
Dover Peaks

Youll never regret the times you left it all behind for a quick affair with the open road.


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Say Hello to Your Local Hero

I want to address the issue of law enforcement neglect.  I’ll try to make it short, and sweet.

I do not have any desire to draw attention to the anti-police crowd rioting in the streets.  My blood boils whenever I’m forced to see it within the media, and through social media.  And I know you are tired of seeing them as well.  The nation is over it.

No.  Today, I want to target the majority of Americans who still feel that law enforcement officers continue to be the heroes of our time.  I am asking that you let your voice be heard.  I am asking you to show our officers that you are thankful for their service.

Because right now, they are losing faith in you.  

Courtesy of Colorado FOP

You’ll see patrol cars driving through your neighborhoods, pro-actively looking for those who seek to do the general public harm.  You’ll see a lone officer at the Chipotle, back against the wall at the rear of the restaurant (so he can analyze any potential threat that walks through the door).  That officer might stop to assist you when you’ve broken down on the side of the road.  She might even respond to your call for assistance during far more critical times.

Leave a note on their patrol cars.  Thank them for their service.  It only takes a matter of moments to make this simple gesture.  And the morale you will single-handedly supply will have a long-lasting affect. 
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office

Walk up to a patrol officer, shake his hand, look him right in the eye, and say Thank You!  If your walking with your kids and you see a patrol car, point the officer out and wave to him.  You say, “that man is a hero.  Whenever something bad happens, that man will respond and he will help you.”
I guarantee you that most officers, not en route to a service call, will give your kids a show if you are kind.  Whenever I take my girls to the 16th Street Mall, I always make it a point to stop and wave to the DPD officers we see.  And they always invite both of them to sit on the bikes or in the cars.

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is equally classy.  A friendly wave has brought several deputies to our daughters while strolling along on our evening walks.  They flip on the lights, chirp the sirens, and hand out Douglas County badge stickers.  The looks on both of my girls’ faces are always priceless.  They are absolutely mesmerized by these officers and deputies.

Your local officers and deputies are fatigued.  They have been left out to rot by the media and your local politician.  And quite frankly, they feel abandoned by you.  They are discouraged that the ignorant voices of the anti-police movement are being heard and acted upon (in favor of the common criminal).  Only small pockets of people are standing up for what is right.  The officers hang on to the hope that one day, common sense Americans will stand up for law enforcement officers and send the anti-police movement back into the shadows.  

Lets show our law enforcement officers that we care.  Lets restore their faith in humanity.  Say something encouraging when you see one of ‘em!  I think that this is the very least of what you could do.  Take it from me, your kind words will go a long way.

Thanks for listening.

Steven S. Press